(You can enlarge each photograph by clicking on it.) 




Jean-François Le Ny















Allan Paivio (in Anaheim, California, 2006).










Stephen M. Kosslyn, Grégoire Borst, and MD (in Beijing, 2004).










Spatial cognition in deep conference: Cesare Cornoldi,

Barbara Tversky, and MD (visiting Nicosia, Cyprus, 2007).










An affectionate remembrance of Gary L. Allen (1950-2007), scientist

and true gentleman (shown here at COSIT 2003, Ittingen, Switzerland).










An unexpected encounter at a scientific conference…

Allan Paivio, Mark Sadoski, Mickey Mouse, and MD

(as far away as possible…) (Anaheim, California, 2006).










MD, Manuel de Vega, and María José Rodrigo

(during a visit to Giverny, 2005).









MD and Robert H. Logie are putting the final touches

to the book Imagery, Language, and Visuo-spatial Thinking

(Paris, 2000).










Scientific discussion around a Chinese meal

with a Nobel Prize winning psychologist:

MD and Daniel Kahneman (Beijing, 2004).










MD presents Michael I. Posner with the Mattei Dogan Prize

of Psychological Science, awarded for the first time

at the XXIX International Congress of Psychology (Berlin, 2008).










A friendly wave to Christian Freksa, one of the founding fathers of COSIT, a companion

in spatial cognition for many years (here at COSIT 2009, Aber Wrac’h, Brittany, France).

Click here to learn more about COSIT!










Rossana De Beni, Cesare Cornoldi, Francesca Pazzaglia, and Valérie Gyselinck,

the organizers of the workshop that brought together a number of friends

in Padua and Venice to help me get through my first year as an emeritus scholar

(12-13 June 2009). Click here to learn more about this event!












Jean-Marc Monteil is one of the few scholars in France who have ensured that

the highest echelons of the public administration are aware of the importance of psychology.









My most thrilling and rewarding encounter with Jean-Marc

took place on 23 March 2011 at the CNRS headquarters in Paris.











Alain Fuchs, President of CNRS, Pierre Guillon,

MD, Jean-Marc Monteil, and Patrick Le Quéré.


You may click on the links below to access the other albums:

1. Before psychology…

2. My years at LIMSI

3. Encounters

4. Tenerife and the University of La Laguna

5. The French National Committee for Scientific Research (1991-2008)

6. The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) (1992-2008)

7. The International Council for Science (ICSU) (2002-2008)

8. The European Research Council (ERC) (2008-2013)